We hold our customers in high esteem, as we provide a one-stop solution forelectronic manufacturing services.
PCB Design
We provide schematic entry, PCB layout service and PCB layout design that can be customized according to client’s need. We provide a wide spectrum of EMS mainly in handling single sided to multi layer PCB. Our work plan involves examining the issues and give the most extreme fulfilment to the customers.

PCB Fabrication
We fabricate up to multi-layer PCB’s with most accurate design and standards. We follow all the IPC, IEC and ISO standards and our boards are reliable with options of choosing the material and technology. Whether it is a small order or bulk order, attention is given to every single board we fabricate.

PCB Manufacturing
We have expertise in high qulaity PCB manufactring in the are of Banking, Telecom, Medical, Industrial, Automotive sectors. We have high perfomance mechanism and the delivery of the product will be on time with no dues. We manufacture the PCB at most economical rates with competitive to the local manufactures.

Work Flow...
Requirement Analysis
Analysis of all the raw material and technology for the client's requirement is done.
Component Storage
All components are checked for manufacturing part no, quantity marking and are stored here.
Component Handling
All required components for the assembly are moved to production floor in a job tray.
PCB Testing
AOI compares the photos of board to shematics for detectin issues early.
PCB Enclosure
PCB enclosure is done considering the factors.
Based on the production size, the package will be delivered on standard working days.